lokaḥ samastaḥ sukhino bhavantu

May all Beings everywhere be happy and free


Welcome to Think Off the Mat

with Nora Lim

Come practice with me

Weekly Classes

Weekly classes in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Events & retreats

Upcoming events, workshops and training as well as Yoga retreats all across the world.

Judy Law, Hong Kong

“Nora practises what she preaches and she reminds me that our true yoga practice begins when we take our practice off the mat. She doesn’t tell me what to see, but shows me where to look. Her light helps me discover my own light. My life is forever changed and I am so grateful to her.”

Eileen So, Hong Kong

“Nora’s classes are challenging, calming (and all that you didn’t know you need) and her depth of knowledge shared in the classes are very rare indeed. I always look forward to her classes. She pours so much Love into her classes that it is impossible not to love them. I highly recommend Nora’s classes to you.”

“Meditation is the hallmark of Yoga.”

— Nora Lim


Haṭha Yoga

All postural Yogāsana practices stem from Haṭha Yoga. Power / Flow / Yin / Jivamukti

Yoga Philosophy (Jṇāna Yoga (Knowledge) Rāja Yoga (Meditation)

Meditation is an unbroken concentration on an object to be one with the Self. Yoga philosophy assists us in

Śrī Śakti Sādhanā

A practice (Sādhanā) dedicated as an offering to the Divine Feminine (Śrī Śakti), the energy of consciousness, in all, inspired by Nora’s initiation (dīkṣā) into the Śrī Vidya lineage at Devipuram.

Soundscape of Yoga (Nāda Yoga - Union through Sound)

The Soundscape of Yoga explores the use of Vedic chants, mantras, Sanskrit, sound, and music to be one with the Divine.

Find resources to guide you through your personal practice today

Follow me on Instagram for information about my weekly class schedule and other inspiring resources.
